Our Services


Taxation Consulting

 Income Tax


 Stamp Duties, Land Tax

Preparation of Financial Reports

& Income Tax Returns


 Superannuation Funds




Formation, Registration & Compliance


 Superannuation Fund



Business Advisory Services

 Management Accounting

 Business Planning

 Preparation & lodgement of BAS

 Bookkeeping Services


 Corporate Registry

 Lodgement of ASIC forms

 ASIC Annual Company Statements

Advanced Accounting & Taxation Services are a Public Accounting firm based in Beaumont Hills; servicing the Hills Shire, Hornsby Shire and the North Shore, New South Wales. Providing professional accounting, taxation and business advisory services. Your local, reliable accounting and tax advisor. AATS believes in building long-lasting business relationships working one-on-one to manage every wave of business growth. Specialists in small business, start ups and moving to the next level for growing business, delivering high quality business and taxation advice on a range issues of concern to all businesses.


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation